the Spectator

Hershey went everywhere with us. To the drop zone, to softball games, to the rodeo, on errands…she loved to go. She also loved to watch.

At the drop zone, she loved to watch the parachutes land. She always seemed to know who was in whatever group Tyree was jumping with. When she could hear, she would watch the canopies from the moment she heard them open. Later in life, it was from the moment they came into her line of vision.

At the ball game, she would sit in the bleachers. Tyree would play left field. We would sit along the left field line, high in the stands. When Tyree was out in the field, Hershey would be on one end of the bleachers. When he was at bat, she would get up and walk along the seat until she was at the other end.

Whatever she was watching, she was always focused. If someone was in front of her, she would lean to the side to see around them.